Newcastle High School

Quality education in a caring environment

Telephone02 4969 3177

P&C Archive

Newcastle High School Parents & Citizens Association is a group of parents, carers, teachers and interested people who are committed to ensuring the best possible education for our students. View past reports and additional documents below. Documents are PDF.


Staying Informed

If you would like to receive P&C updates please email the NHS P&C.

Even if you are not able to attend P&C meetings, this is a great way to be kept informed and identify ways that you may be able to become involved at Newcastle High School.

To find out more read the P&C Constitution

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact the P&C through the school email address.

Kind regards,

NHS P&C Association Committee

Message Broadcasts

Pedestrian Crossings Update

Full Funding Matters

Survey promoted by the P&C Federation Australia to encourage support from parent/carer communities regarding school funding.

Survey Link

P&C Media Release: Disbelief at Council’s Blatant Disregard for School Student Safety


Staying Informed

If you would like to receive P&C updates please email the NHS P&C.

Even if you are not able to attend P&C meetings, this is a great way to be kept informed and identify ways that you may be able to become involved at Newcastle High School.

To find out more read the P&C Constitution

P & C Meeting Minutes:

The minutes may include information on the following topics: decrease in school funding, problem with funding school toilet maintenance and no action on school safety crossings.

Message Broadcasts

Continued Council Delay for Newcastle High School Pedestrian Crossings

The P&C has been appealing to Newcastle City Council for school crossings to be put in place around Newcastle High School for over seven years.

We remain an inner-city school with NO crossings. 

Today, our children continue to run the gauntlet crossing our unmarked surrounding streets both on their way into school and on their way home. 

If you wish to VOICE YOUR CONCERN click this link for the P&C’s…

One Question PETITION Form

It will literally take 1 min – you will need to be logged into your Google account:


If you want to find out further detail behind this situation, please open the Linked Correspondance Below:

  1. P&C’s most recent 2023 Letter to Council: ONE YEAR LATER – SAME QUESTION: Why the Continued Delay for Safety Crossings for Newcastle High School?
  2. Council’s most recent Response: Answers to our questions from the Traffic & Transport Manager

A further question was put to Council about timing? When should we now expect some actual marks on the road?

View copy of the Council response HERE.

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact the P&C through the school email address.

Kind regards,

NHS P&C Association Committee


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