... computational thinking provides a framework that makes things more transparent and easier to understand ...
Students engage with a number of different programming languages at Newcastle High, starting with JavaScript, Scratch, Python, MakeCode and Arduino in the early years up to Java and C# for the seniors. Students are encouraged to engage with latest technologies as much as possible. It is a common practice to promote independent projects led by students to build on core foundation knowledge.
The Student Tech Support Team is a group of students who volunteer their time and expertise to assist other staff and students in a variety of technology support needs across the school, including maintenance and repairs. Online interaction is rigorously required and encouraged through all computer courses with students needing to make effective use of cloud computing techniques.
- make coding exciting and fun through industry relevant standards
- engage students with relevant future focused content and curricula
- ensure all students are comfortable and safe working in online environments
- enhance students ability to adapt to changing needs of the workplace
- promote computing and code development as a lucrative career pathway
- Unity Game Training
- RoboCup Junior - Hunter Region
- Minecraft Hour of Code
- Premier's Coding Challenge
- Young ICT Explorer’s Challenge
- NCSS Challenge
- Nick Biddle HEAD TEACHER
STAGE 4: Y7 & Y8
- Students complete fifty hours of Digital Technologies with a variety of coding and electronics activities. This is taught on a rotational basis as part of the Technology Mandatory course.
- Video Game Creator is offered as an optional passion project where students design and code their own 3D video game using the Unity game engine.
- Flight Simulator is offered as an optional passion project allowing students to participate in a variety of aviation related activities. They will learn about major aircraft types, international rules and regulations, flight controls, as well as design and build airports in Minecraft and pilot drones.
STAGE 5: Y9 & Y10
- Computing Technology: a course for Y9 and Y10 with a focus on coding and project development. Students will study 3D modelling, build websites and robotic prototypes, and code programs and electronic products.
STAGE 6: Y11 & Y12
- Software Engineering - the highest level computing course at Newcastle High School with students designing and coding real computer programs to operate in the Microsoft Windows environment, as well as investigating and operating mechatronic prototypes. The course counts towards an ATAR and teaches industry standard coding skills allowing students the ability to go straight into the computer programming workforce.