Newcastle High School

Quality education in a caring environment

Telephone02 4969 3177

Year Advisers

Year Advisers work closely with the school Wellbeing Team and teachers to support individual students.

They are an ideal contact for parents who wish to raise issues or concerns about their child - usually concerns that are non-academic or not specific to one subject.

If, for example, your child doesn’t seem to be on top of their homework or says they’re not getting any homework, the year adviser would be the person to call. They can have a chat with the teachers involved and get back to you. The same goes with social problems your child may be having - Year Advisers try to get to know all ‘their’ students on a more personal level and can keep an eye on how your child is progressing.

Year Advisers are dedicated and an integral part of the school community. They work closely with staff and parents to provide the earliest possible intervention that prevents problems for their students.

  • monitor behaviour, attendance, socialisation
  • support individual learning adjustments
  • support students through difficult times
  • assist teachers with practical needs of students
  • liaise with counsellor, Principal, deputies, HTs
  • disseminate information regarding issues
  • organise cohort meetings & award assemblies
  • promote and organise annual year camps



2025 Year Advisers

Y7 > Mr Anthony Carver ENGLISH

Y8 > Mr Shane Kegel MATHS

Y9 > Mr Jamie Grove SUPPORT  

Y10 > Mr Paul Myers CAPA

Y11 > Miss Gemma Gibson SUPPORT

Y12 > Mrs Deb Ellis TAS