Newcastle High School

Quality education in a caring environment

Telephone02 4969 3177

Technology and Applied Studies

... imagination is more important than knowledge - knowledge is limited, but imagination embraces the world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution ...


Technological and Applied Studies (TAS) is mandatory for all students in Year 7 and Year 8. Students can also select from a range of elective TAS subjects in years 9 to 12.

Students use a range of tools, materials and techniques in the design process and technological experiences through theory and practical lessons. The continuum of technology learning is based on:

  • students becoming increasingly sophisticated in their ability to design and produce solutions for authentic needs and opportunities
  • student specialisation in high school through a range of syllabuses addressing particular technologies and aspects of design


  • to provide students with opportunities to become technologically literate individuals capable of developing creative solutions to identified problems and situations.
  • to engage students in design and production activities as they develop safe practices and refine skills working with varied materials and production technologies.
  • to provide opportunities to investigate problems, generate ideas and produce sustainable solutions
  • to develop skills and attitudes valued in our society and vital to Australia’s economic future


  • Good Food and Wine Show, Newcastle and Sydney; students work beside and assist celebrity chefs at these events


  • Sondra Munro  HEAD TEACHER
  • Remi Black
  • Ella Cossetini
  • Deb Ellis Y11 YR ADVISER
  • Angela Maddalena VET
  • Erin Pearce
  • Ann Smith
  • Alice Bright 
  • Adam Coleman
  • Steve Prior 
  • Lachlan Willis


STAGE 4: Y7 & Y8

  • During these two years students will complete the Technology Mandatory Syllabus. Covering the following context areas: Agriculture & Food, Engineered Systems, Digital Technologies and Material Technologies - Textiles, Timber & Metals.

STAGE 5: Y9 & Y10

  • Child Studies
  • Food Technology
  • Textiles Technology
  • Industrial Technology: timber, metals, electronics
  • Vocational and Educational Training Courses (VET) in Hospitality and Manufacturing Metals and Engineering - students receive recognition towards their school qualification (Record of School Achievement or HSC) as well as a nationally recognised VET qualifications

STAGE 6: Y11 & Y12

  • Food Technology
  • Textiles & Design
  • Community and Family Studies
  • Exploring Early Childhood
  • VET: Hospitality - Cookery
  • Engineering Studies
  • Industrial Technology
  • VET: Manufacturing - Metals and Engineering    
  • VET: Construction