Newcastle High School

Quality education in a caring environment

Telephone02 4969 3177


... a child who reads books will be an adult who thinks and cares ...

English study is mandatory in NSW from Kindergarten to Year 12.

Students learn about the English language through written, spoken and visual texts of increasing complexity as they progress through their schooling. An understanding of the English language is central to how we communicate and essential for intellectual, social and emotional development.

The study of English should develop a love of literature and learning and be challenging and enjoyable. It develops skills to enable students to experiment with ideas and expression, to become active, independent and lifelong learners, to work with each other and to reflect on their learning.


  • create engaged, lifelong learners who think critically and ethically about their world
  • learn through guided, peer and independent formative strategies to enhance deep understanding and resilience
  • value language and literacy as core skills


  • Debating teams 
  • Public Speaking opportunities 
  • Stage 4 Reading Program 
  • Writing workshops and opportunities


  • Y7-10 engage with diverse and immersive units of work that incorporate relevant, real-world topics and opportunities  
  • utilisation of virtual reality and augmented reality learning
  • drama through studying plays, drama games and improvisation,
  • creation of visual texts: short films, advertisments, Ted Talks, vodcasts, websites 


  • Hayley Edwards  HEAD TEACHER 
  • Jennifer Barnicoat
  • Nadia Bulgin
  • Anthony Carver Y7 YR ADVISER
  • Jessica Melehan
  • Glenyce Oswald
  • Kelsey Parkes
  • Suzanne Parrott
  • Matthew Sandford
  • Nicole Thew


STAGE 4: Y7 & Y8

  • Y7 follow NESA Stage 4 English curriculum
  • Y8 continues Stage 4 English - two classes are streamed and their curriculum has GAT learning options 

STAGE 5: Y9 & Y10

  • Y9 & Y10 follow NESA Stage 5 curriculum
  • Y10 Extension Elective offered in the Senior Prep Program for students interested in developing skills for Stage 6 English

STAGE 6: Y11 & Y12

  • Y11 & Y12 students must choose either English Studies, English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) or English Standard
  • English Standard students can add further units: Advanced, Extension 1 and Extension 2. Visit Stage 6 Curriculum for more details.