School Bytes is a comprehensive school management platform, providing schools with the tools they need to operate smoothly and efficiently. Created using first hand experience from within the education sector, School Bytes focuses on the needs and requirements of Australian schools.
Our school has implemented a system called School Bytes to manage payments. Parents/carers can visit the School Bytes portal at any time to make a payment online, view payment history and apply credit. For non-student payments, please contact the school for a payment link.
Please refer to School Bytes:
For example you can use this facility to pay for:
- voluntary school contributions
- subject fees and contributions
- excursions and trips
- sales to students
- creative arts like band, drama and dance
For any enquiries regarding the Online Payment process please contact the Newcastle High School Office on 4969 3177 during school hours of 8.30 am to 3.30 pm.
Online Sport and Passion Project Selection Instructions
Your school is using the School Bytes sport management system to allow you to select and manage your sport choices/preferences online, download relevant permission notes and make online payments for sport.
The steps below outline the process for a student to select their sport choices:
1. Visit the School Bytes website. You will be taken to the School Bytes login page. Click ‘Login with NSW DoE portal’ below the Department logo.
2. The NSW DoE portal page will appear. Enter your DoE portal username & password. This is the same username & password you use to access the internet at school and student email account.
3. From the dropdown menu, select the sport session or passion project you wish to select preferences for, then press ‘Next’.
4. Using the dropdown menus provided, select your choices, then press ‘Save Preferences’. If a sport or activity is full, you will not be able to select it. The activity will be ‘greyed’ out in the dropdown menu, and will have a label saying ‘FULL’ next to its name. On the right-hand side of the page, the ‘Downloads’ section will list any files uploaded by your sports organiser such as permission and information notes. If enabled, you will also be able to make an online payment for your sport through a secure payment gateway.
5. Once your selections are completed, and the organiser has finalised the rolls, you will be able to log back into the system using the same steps above and see what sport or passion project you have been allocated to.