... every student can learn and we can learn from every student ...
Specialist support classes cater for students with moderate to high learning and support needs - including students with: intellectual disability, mental health disorder, autism spectrum disorder, physical disability, sensory impairment, behaviour disorders.
Every specialist class has a teacher and a school learning support officer. Class teachers – in consultation with parents and carers and allied health professionals, where appropriate – are responsible for planning personalised learning and support for each student.
Students in specialist support classes have the opportunity to participate in the school and community activities their school offers, on the same basis as students in regular classes. Students also have access to: itinerant support teacher (hearing or vision), support teachers transition, specialist provisions available to students in regular classes including disability provisions from the Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for practical support in examinations, access to transport assistance under the Assisted School Travel Program.
For students enrolled in specialist classes in regular schools, there is the flexibility for them to undertake some of their learning in other regular classes in the same school. This is largely dependent upon the resources available and the personalised learning and support needs of the students.
- the Life Skills for students in preparation for post school activities and employment
- successful integration of students at both a school and community level
- social, emotional and academic growth of all students through small group, individual and whole class learning activities both onsite and within the community
- all students are integrated into school and community life including Student Leadership, Sport, Passion Projects, School Camps, Aboriginal Dance & Volunteering
- students organise and host collegial discos and bingo days as well as sporting events such as regional Boccia
- regular Community Access activities focusing on travel training, money skills & community safety and inclusion
- YES Tafe courses for Y10 Y11 Y12
- IOTAS Athletics carnivals, Film Festivals, Bingo and Disco events
- Y10 Work Foundation Skills program
- whole school integration at Newcastle High School
- University of Newcastle Multi Sports and Activate Inclusion programs
- Boccia, Cricket, Sailing & Goalball programs
- Individualised programs focusing on the social, emotional and academic growth of students
STAGE 4: Y7 & Y8
- Community Access programs
- Passion Projects in Y7
- English, Maths, Geography, History, Science, Work Education, Personal Development & supported in mainstream electives
STAGE 5: Y9 & Y10
- Work Experience (Year 10)
- JobQuest (Year 10)
- Community Access programs
- Whole school sport
- English, Maths, Geography, History, Science, Work Education, Personal Development & supported in mainstream electives
STAGE 6: Y11 & Y12
- JobQuest Stage 6 Courses (Year 11 and 12)
- TAFE courses – including YES short courses
- Start Your Future TAFE courses (Year 11 and 12)
- VET courses – including: Metals and Timber
- Transition to Work programs
- Community Access programs
- English, Maths, Geography, History, Work and the Community & supported in mainstream electives
- Khym Harris HEAD TEACHER
- Kim Bradley
- Megan Callinan
- Gemma Gibson Y11 YR ADVISER
- Jamie Grove Y9 YR ADVISER
- Kate Handley
- Olivia Higgins
- Craig Main
- Tyla Peck
- Nikki Standen
- Mauricia Withyman