Newcastle High School

Quality education in a caring environment

Telephone02 4969 3177


... science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity and is the torch which illuminates the world ...


A study of Science is mandatory for all students from Kindergarten to Year 10.

In Science students explore the natural and made worlds, learning how to apply scientific skills, knowledge and understanding across a range of contexts. Science provides a way of inquiring about the world around us. It explores evidence and investigates ways to discover, develop and produce solutions to real problems. The inquiry and skill-based nature of science opens doors to ideas and discoveries.

All science courses 7-12 focus on working scientifically and require students to undertake research projects and investigations called depth studies. In Y11 and Y12 students can choose from different science disciplines: Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Science, Investigating Science, Physics.    


  • to participate and enjoy learning about science
  • learning how to work scientifically to find solutions to problems
  • to inspire a culture that is inclusive and reflects the importance of science in society


  • Cows Create Careers: dairy industry study and calf management project for Y8 classes
  • Science and Engineering Challenge: Y10 classes compete in problem solving competition at University of Newcastle
  • Science and Engineering primary challenge: Y10 students mentor and support primary students competing in problems solving challenges
  • Museum of Human Disease: Senior Biology classes
  • Experiment Fest: senior Physics & Chemistry classes
  • Newcastle Museum reward days for students with excellent research projects
  • Shortland Wetland environmental education centre: field work for senior Biology classes    


  • Sean Bromfield  HEAD TEACHER
  • Samuel Backers
  • Andrew Doherty
  • Brodee Herron
  • Connor Jones
  • Bronwyn Lidden
  • Nathan Nancarrow
  • Conor Perry   
  • William Rule
  • Alex Tacchi


STAGE 4: Y7 & Y8

  • Y7 develop skills and knowledge that examine the nature of science through participation in practical work - students learn about laboratory skills, separation techniques, living things, forces, states of matter, energy and cells, they develop research and practical project skills via guided investigation tasks
  • Y8 continue to develop their scientific knowledge and skills - students learn about body systems, chemical elements, forces, rocks and minerals, plants and ecosystems, astronomy and sustainability. 
  • students in year 8 complete a detailed student research project that demonstrates their ability to conduct investigations.
  • Stage 4 science outcomes are assessed at school and externally through the VALID online end of stage 4 examination, which is undertaken by all students in NSW.
  • Forensic Science is a Stage 4 elective course run by the Science faculty

STAGE 5: Y9 & Y10

  • Y9 develop skills and knowledge that examine the nature of science through participation in practical work students learn about genetics and heredity, Newton’s laws and motion, atomic structure, plate tectonics, electronic structure of atoms and radioactivity, ecosystems, waves and cosmology, they develop research and practical project skills through guided investigation tasks
  • Y10 continue to develop their scientific knowledge and skills - students learn about electricity, chemical reactions, human disease, renewable energy, evolution, natural and human disasters, and senior preparation programs, they complete a detailed student research project that demonstrates their ability to conduct investigations
  • Stage 5 science outcomes are assessed at school and externally through the VALID online end of stage 5 examination, which is undertaken by all students in NSW
  • The Science Faculty offers and coordinates the iSTEM elective in Y9 and Y10. 

STAGE 6: Y11 & Y12

  • ATAR HSC courses: Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Science, Investigating Science, Physics
  • Non ATAR Course: Science Life Skills