Newcastle High School

Quality education in a caring environment

Telephone02 4969 3177

Parents and Citizens

Our Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) is made up of parents, carers, teachers and community members. The P&C meets regularly to contribute to decision-making, fundraising and development of policies and management plans.

Research shows that a vital ingredient for student engagement and participation in learning is parental involvement. Children need help and support from their parents/carers to succeed at school. A great way to do this is by being a part of our P&C. All members of the school community are very welcome.

Newcastle High School Parents & Citizens Association is a group of parents, carers, teachers and interested people who are committed to ensuring the best possible education for our students. The P&C allows parents and carers to be partners in the education process and to play an active role in the education of their children. Our P&C helps to maintain the strong partnership between our school and parents & carers through regular consultation and collaboration - which builds stronger connections with our community.

Our Activities

NHS P&C is a consultative body that supports the school in their Strategic Directions. We take great care in representing our community on merit selection panels and meeting collaboratively in a forum to discuss the needs of our school. We assist teaching and support staff in any way we can and offer our support at school functions where possible.

Getting Involved

The Newcastle High School P&C Association meets for a Parent Forum at 5:30-7:00 pm on Monday Week 5 of each term in the Library (excluding school holidays, check the school website events and newsletter for dates). Entry is through the main foyer on Parkway Avenue. You can just listen, have your say, or you can put your hand up to help out with various activities.

You certainly do not need to be a member to come along to our Parent Forums. But if you’d like to join and be on our email broadcasts it is just $2.00—transfer direct into the P&C Account.


BSB: 650 000

ACC: 559 169 907


Staying Informed

If you would like to receive P&C updates please email the NHS P&C.

Even if you are not able to attend P&C meetings, this is a great way to be kept informed and identify ways that you may be able to become involved at Newcastle High School.

To find out more read the P&C Constitution


  • NHS P&C Monday 24 February COMING SOON

Additional Documents


Save the Date 

Our Term 2 meeting for 2025 is:

Date: Monday 26 May

Time: 5:30-7 pm

Location: NHS Library

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact the P&C through the school email address.

Kind regards,

NHS P&C Association Committee

Message Broadcasts

Big Map Invitation Flyer.

Important stakeholder session to help strengthen disaster readiness across Newcastle and Lake Macquarie