Newcastle High School

Quality education in a caring environment

Telephone02 4969 3177

Careers Support

Our aim is to provide you with all the latest information that will help you make decisions about your future career and your life beyond school.

Careers Hub

Newcastle High students and parents can access our Careers Hub to explore everything related to careers, which features the following:

  • weekly vacancies bulletins
  • weekly Careers newsletter
  • HSC requirements & key dates
  • University Admission process
  • School Leavers Information Kit
  • job and career opportunities
  • Workplace Learning opportunities
  • School Based Apprenticeships Traineeships
  • job readiness and resume writing

Key Resources

Careers Advisor

Students can drop into the Careers Office to make an appointment time to discuss their particular careers needs during breaks or free periods, the Careers Office is in the Library.

Parents and carers can also telephone or email the Careers Advisor, Beth Lumb, to discuss their child's career options and pathways.