Newcastle High School

Quality education in a caring environment

Telephone02 4969 3177


... mathematics is just about the human desire to understand and appreciate the patterns around us in the world ...


The study of mathematics is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10. 

By studying mathematics, students develop knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical concepts and their use within the classroom and beyond. The syllabus consists of the following strands: number and algebra, measurement and geometry, statistics and probability. In Year 11 and 12, the study of mathematics is optional. Courses offered include: Mathematics Advanced, Mathematics Extension 1, Mathematics Extension 2, Mathematics Standard 1, Mathematics Standard 2.


  • encourage creativity and critical thinking skills
  • maximise student learning and potential
  • promote collaboration and a positive team environment
  • develop communication skills    


  • the Maths Breakfast operates in Room 25 Wednesday mornings 7:45am to 8:45am - students are helped by maths teachers who focus on content students identify they want help with
  • all students must have a calculator, they are available at the front office - Casio FX82AU 2nd Edition is the recommended calculator


  • Patrick Lomax  HEAD TEACHER
  • Melanie Bulmer
  • Samone Dinnery
  • Dylan Gambrill
  • Shane Kegel Y8 YR ADVISER
  • Dean Morrissey
  • Joanna Netluch
  • Matthew Richards
  • Carmen Rocher  


STAGE 4: Year 7 & Year 8

  • Year 7 and Year 8 students follow the NESA endorsed Stage 4 Maths program.

STAGE 5: Year 9 & Year 10

  • Year 9 students follow either a CORE or PATH pattern of study. Classes are streamed to ensure students develop a deep mathematical knowledge and understanding and thrive under explicit instruction directed to their own needs. 
  • Year 10 students follow either a Stage 5.1 (Standard), 5.2 (intermediate), or 5.3 (Advanced) pathway - the 5.2/5.1 program prepares students to continue study in the Year 11 Standard course, the Advanced program allows students to access the Advanced Mathematics course in Year 11.

STAGE 6: Year 11 & Year 12

  • Year 11 and Year 12 students can study Extension 1 and Advanced Mathematics, Advanced Mathematics or Standard Mathematics in Year 11, Year 12 Extension 1 students can choose to add Extension 2 Mathematics their HSC studies.