All year seven students at Newcastle High School are provisioned with an active account to Minecraft Education Edition. This allows you free access to the platform anywhere in the world. You can install MEE on your Windows 10 computer, Apple iPad or Apple iMac, and then use your DoE portal to access the software.
Installing Minecraft on your own device
Did you know that you can install MEE on your own computer? As long as you have a Windows 10 or Apple MacOS computer, you can download the software from the MEE website. Login to the platform using your DoE portal account (firstname.lastname@education.nsw.gov.au)
Throughout the course students will access the amazing creative and collaborative features of Minecraft Education Edition to demonstrate their learning of Digital Technologies. Minecraft: Education Edition offers special features for educators such as easy tutorials, classroom management tools, secure sign-in, classroom collaboration and many sample lessons, plus a global network of mentors and support.