Newcastle High School

Quality education in a caring environment

Telephone02 4969 3177

Individual Health Care Planning

Health Care Planning at Newcastle High School

At Newcastle High School, the health and safety of our students is a top priority. We understand that some students may have specific health care needs that require individual planning and support. To ensure these needs are met, we collaborate closely with parents, carers, and health professionals to develop comprehensive Health Care Plans tailored to each student’s requirements.

An individual health support plan must be developed for:

  • Severe asthma, type 1 diabetes, epilepsy, and anaphylaxis
  • Any student who is diagnosed as having a condition that may require an emergency response
  • Any student who requires the administration of health support procedures (such as medication)

A Health Care Plan outlines the medical conditions a student has and details the necessary steps to manage these conditions while at school. This may include medication administration, emergency procedures, and other supports needed during school activities. These plans are essential for students with chronic conditions, allergies, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, or other health concerns that require regular monitoring or intervention.

By having an up-to-date Health Care Plan in place, we ensure that staff are prepared to respond effectively to your child’s health needs. It also allows us to create a safe and supportive environment, minimising risks and ensuring that your child can participate fully in school life.

The process starts with parents or carers completing the [Individual Health Care Planning form]( and attaching any relevant emergency response plans. Once submitted, we will review the information and collaborate with health professionals as needed to finalise the plan.

Next Steps for Parents/Carers  

If your child has a health condition that requires a Health Care Plan, please complete the form linked below. Once completed, the school will be in touch so we can start the planning process. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the Head Teacher Wellbieng via the school email address: Please ensure you send through the most up to date emergency response plan.