Newcastle High School

Quality education in a caring environment

Telephone02 4969 3177

Life Ready

Life Ready is a mandatory 25 hour program for students in Y11 and/or Y12 in NSW public schools.

It prepares and supports senior students as they encounter situations related to health and safety as they become more independent and gain more responsibilities. Most young people move through adolescence without great diffculty.

When young people feel positive about their health, safety, wellbeing and future they are more likely to achieve better educational outcomes, successfully transition to work and further education, develop healthy adult lifestyles, have fewer challenges forming relationships and be more actively engaged citizens.

Secondary students are a diverse group. They vary in their levels of maturity and in their ability to manage changes and challenges at this time of life. The way in which young people plan for and respond to these situations can have a signifcant impact on their future.

Life Ready supports the health and safety of our students as they become more independent and gain more responsibilities. Life Ready focuses on offering opportunities for our senior students to build their functional knowledge and skills for life after school.