Support Unit - Smashing Goals!
The students and staff involved in the Support Unit at Newcastle High School have had an incredibly busy (and exciting) semester. We moved into our new Studio space with the 2 IM classes where we were privy to witnessing the demolition of B Block - our old stomping ground - in preparation for the new rebuild. While it was noisy and dusty, students were able to create some impressive artworks and build on their already impressive levels of resilience.
Students have been exceptionally busy with a multitude of additional learning opportunities both in and out of the classroom, from Starstruck to TAFE with our senior students having attended Start Your Future short courses in barbering, hospitality, maritime, film making, animation, vehicle maintenance, animal studies, engineering and beauty. Some of our students in IO regularly attend fortnightly sailing lessons and a select group of boys recently graduated from the 8 week Winds of Change sailing program which focused on building confidence, self empowerment, maritime skills and teamwork while taking charge of a 50ft yacht. Our students have also competed with gusto in a variety of whole school and Clontarf Academy teams, at Come and Try Athletics events and at regional boccia tournaments.
It hasn’t all been about the great extracurricular activities and excursions, with lots of learning happening in the classrooms. Students built on their knowledge of Shakespeare by completing an in depth study on word origins, language and the themes of Romeo and Juliet. This linked in with our HSIE and Science units of work - The Renaissance - where students researched the history of inventions, famous inventors, artists and astronomers and completed detailed mapping and timelines related to the Plague and the kings and queens of the Tudor era.
In PDHPE, students have been honing their skills in volleyball, handball, golf, lawn bowls, touch football and boccia, as well as completing relevant bookwork and research assignments. To coincide with the Olympic Games, our students are about to embark on additional team building events to win medals in a variety of sports - including frisbee golf, athletics, basketball and pickleball.
Our students in Support continue to excel as respected leaders in the SRC, Junior AECG and as NHS prefects as well as undertaking lead roles during cultural, wellbeing and fundraising initiatives such as raising money for cancer research through the World’s Biggest Morning Tea. We also had students participate in the annual National Simultaneous Storytime event, both reading and designing a creative display in the library for Bowerbird Blues and many students are developing their reading prowess by participating in the Premier’s Reading Challenge. All of our students participate in Community Access excursions and have been lucky enough to access musicals, the beach and the museum all while learning the finer art of travel safety, finance and weather prediction. Our boys in the ED Support class man the BBQ each Wednesday to cook sausage sandwiches for the staff and our students in MC are in charge of Shake ‘n’ Cake - ensuring staff and students are kept happy (and full) with flavoured milkshakes and freshly baked muffins, cupcakes and brownies.
We have now moved into Semester 2 - an exciting time as we have relocated again into a new space (formally room 42) to work with new course content (WWI and WW2, Peace, Narrative writing, Mental Health and STEM). With the leadership of such a knowledgeable and passionate staff, we can only imagine what the rest of 2024 holds for our incredible students in Support.
Khym Harris (Head Teacher Support)