Newcastle High School

Quality education in a caring environment

Telephone02 4969 3177

Transport 2024

Transport Bus 2024 Image

Getting to School by Bus 2024?

Dear Parent/Carers,

Will your child be catching the bus to school next year? Applications are now open for a school travel pass (Opal card). As it’s a busy time of year, we highly recommend you complete your application before the end of the year. It’s also good to check the bus timetable to make your child’s journey to school as easy as possible.

If your child does not have a School Opal card and is commencing enrolment at Newcastle High School in 2024 or you need to request additional travel entitlement due to new shared parental arrangements (e.g. joint custody), you are required to complete an application. If your child already has a School Opal card and is commencing enrolment at Newcastle High school in 2024, you are required to update their details.

If your child is already enrolled in Newcastle High School, has an existing School Opal card and your circumstances have not changed, you are not required to do anything. The start of the year is a busy period for local transport operators. Students travelling without a valid ticket, make service planning and operations difficult. Transport recognises that for some families, last minute changes to school enrolments mean they may not have a school travel pass for the start of term.

Bus operators are flexible and understanding, particularly at the start of the school year and will ensure students can travel safely to and from school. To best support bus operators, we do encourage all students to have a School Opal card ready to go. In the Opal network, they strongly encourage these families to have their children travel with a Child/Youth Opal card until they receive their valid School Opal card.

Bus Passes

• All students catching the bus in 2024 will need a School Travel Pass (Opal card).

• Students 16yrs + require a Concession card which can be ordered via the school. Forms available from school Library or from the school  website.

• Under the School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS), eligible students can apply for free or subsided travel between home and school.

• To update your details, please go to:

• If a student’s distance eligibility has changed based on their grade, the system will automatically update the entitlement if they meet the new criteria. If they do not meet the new eligibility criteria, Transport will send an expiry notification via email.

• Students who have an entitlement approved under a medical condition that is due to expire will receive a notification advising them to re-apply. • Term Bus Pass holders will receive a notification to re-apply.

• For more information about the School Student Transport Scheme and how to apply for a school travel pass, please visit:

Bus Pass Application Process

Once you have completed the application for a School Opal card or Term Bus Pass, you will receive the card via your nominated postal address. Cards will be mailed out by Transport NSW from January 2024.

Bus Timetables

Busways is one of the school bus operators that runs your schools’ bus services. To find your child’s school bus timetable visit the Busways website by using the following steps:

1. Go to

2. Click on ‘school services’ in the navigation bar and then proceed to ‘school timetables’

3. Enter the school’s name in the field that says ‘enter a school name’

4. Select the school’s name and the timetable should open on your device. If you are unable to find or search for the school’s name, use the drop-down menus on the same web page to find the school.

5. Once the timetable is opened, you will be able to identify which school bus services are available in your area for your child to use.

Links for School Timetables


Hunter Valley Buses

Port Stephens Coaches

Newcastle Transport