Newcastle High School

Quality education in a caring environment

Telephone02 4969 3177

Principal's Report

Principal - Janene Rosser

School Re-build Announcement, Congratulations Kiarna White, New Uniform Supplier, Transition and Dux Morning Tea

School Re-build Announcement

On Friday 3 June, it was announced that the funding to proceed with the Newcastle High School re-build has been officially approved by NSW Treasury.  This is extremely exciting news for our school community, representing millions of dollars in investment for our school.  The proposed improvements include upgrading Newcastle High School with new flexible learning spaces, a new library, new science laboratories, kitchens, canteen, support class facilities and gymnasium.  Space on the site has also been allocated for a longer-term future, if a new primary school is deemed necessary subject to enrolment demands.  The most recent public information about this is enclosed here for you, and we look forward to engaging with our community further about the re-build soon.

Congratulations Kiarna White

Kiarna White is the Head Teacher Middle School at Newcastle High School, leading our initiatives to support High Potential and Gifted (HPaG) students in Y6-Y9, targeting programs to develop a culture of high performance and academic excellence.  This year, Kiarna has been awarded an Excellence Award by the Executive Director of School Performance, Tim McCallum.  This Excellence Award is a prestigious accolade, and we are extremely proud of the achievements this represents.

The innovations Kiarna has led promotes engagement and challenge for every student across intellectual, creative, social-emotional, and physical domains of potential, while explicitly identifying and addressing the learning needs of high potential and gifted students. Fundamental to this work are issues of equity and excellence, where Newcastle High School strives to excel every day.  More information about our HPaGE approach can be found Here.

High potential and gifted students have advanced learning capacity compared to same-age students and, as a result, require talent development opportunities and differentiated teaching and learning practices to ensure their specific learning needs are met.  Kiarna has ensured this focus through our SAIL Program, Passion Projects, Passion Electives and Mentoring.  Kiarna demonstrates excellence, integrity, accountability and trust in her professional manner and leadership approach, and the way she serves our students, community, and public education in HPaG Education is outstanding.  Well done, Kiarna!

New Uniform Supplier

The successful company who won the tender to supply our school uniform is BME Group, who will replace Alinta from Monday 18 July (Day 1 Term 3).  I would like to thank Alinta for their partnership with our school.  We look forward to a smooth transition to BME next term, as they look to support, promote, and deliver high-quality, cost-effective school uniforms for our school community.  BME have been invited to present to our Term 3 P&C Meeting to inform parents and community about their approach moving forward with Newcastle High School.  Their website can be viewed Here 


Our transition events for both Y6-Y7 and Y10-Y11 are full steam ahead this term, with our SAIL program events occurring, information sessions being held and taster lessons for Y6 occurring.  The school has been regularly full of parents and carers coming in to support their children in transition and prepare for the year ahead.  We look forward to continuing into Semester 2 with high expectations for supporting our students engage with school and their transition pathway. Please refer to our website for details about our Transition Support and the Y6-Y7 Facebook Group, where all events are updated for parents/carers including recordings of any sessions conducted on Zoom, in case you missed it:

Y6 to Y7 Transition Information

Y10 to Y11 Transition Information

Dux Morning Tea

On Tuesday 7 June we held our Dux Morning Tea, to informally celebrate that Evelyn Mee achieved the highest result at the HSC for 2021.  On the day, we also had Natalie Cox as a special guest, who was the Dux of our school for the Class of 2018, achieving First in the State for Mathematics in 2018.  Natalie was very generous in her time, sharing her tips for the study techniques she applied in the HSC and her current studies in medicine.  Natalie spoke to a variety of Mathematics classes to inspire them to aim high and work hard at achieving your goals.  We also had another talented alumni in attendance, Archie Goodwin, who plays soccer with the Jets.  Archie generously donated one of his signed jerseys to hang in our hall of sporting fame, recognising his exceptional talents as an athlete from our school.  The formal ceremony to the Dux for Evelyn will be at the Year 12 Graduation in Term 3, Week 10.

Principal - Janene Rosser