Newcastle High School

Quality education in a caring environment

Telephone02 4969 3177

Principal's Report

Janene Rosser - Principal

Including: Welcome Back, Expectations, Uniform, Health & Wellbeing, Communication and Parent Teacher Interviews

Welcome to 2021

To our students, staff and learning community partners – Welcome to the commencement of our 2021 school year.  A particular welcome to our new families, who are joining Newcastle High School this year.  The below report will be detailing important information to support you transitioning back to school and to assist us all in having a positive start to the new school year.

In this report, I will highlight some of the basics of our school’s beliefs and values, as these form the basis of our aspirations, procedures and actions at the school to achieve excellence.  This term, we prepare to launch our new Strategic Improvement Plan (SIP) 2021-2024 and I hope to support all of our community understand and engage with our future directions and goals.  It is an exciting time at our school and I welcome you all to the culture and life of Newcastle High School.


Positive Behaviour and Uniform

Our core business at Newcastle High School is LEARNING.  We aspire to support all students engage deeply in learning and achieve highly in all of their endeavours.  The values of RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY and PARTICIPATION form the foundations of our school culture.  These values underpin all of our actions, support us achieve our goals, and define the high expectations we have for learning, growth and a peaceful learning environment.

I ask for a partnership with parents and carers in modelling and encouraging these core values, using them in the conversations you have with your children throughout the year to reinforce positive behaviour for learning, citizenship and a growth mindset to take on challenges when they arise.  We believe everyone has the right to learn at our school and we do not accept poor behaviour that compromises the learning culture of the school.

Newcastle High School is a proud school with a long history of success at academic, sporting, cultural and creative endeavours, aspiring to support all students achieve their potential, developing and growing in a caring, tolerant and inclusive environment.  All students are encouraged and guided to create respectful and meaningful relationships with their peers, staff and the community.  Positive behaviour for learning is expected at our school every day.

To support our learning environment remain a peaceful place, all students are expected to exemplify our core values of respect, responsibility and participation in all of their behaviours, following the Code of Behaviour, as detailed on our Website.  I ask for your support and guidance of our students in this goal, as we commence 2021 reminding everyone of what this looks, sounds and feels like.


We are a Uniform School, with the full support off our P&C, who endorse our uniform as detailed here.  I ask that all students wear the full school uniform, including correct ALL BLACK shoes as shown in the below image.   Our promotion of full school uniform aims to ensure:

·  all students are equal

·  there is no competition

·  conflict is reduced

·  safety is heightened

·  identification of our students is clear

·  students take pride in our school

Uniform is checked every day in roll call and the Deputy Principals and Head Teacher Wellbeing monitor and follow this up with students and parents.  This year, we will be having a variety of consultation meetings and forums about our uniform, to ensure our dress code continues to meet the expectations of our whole community.  Any student or family experiencing difficulty or hardship, should contact the Head Teacher Wellbeing (Relieving) Jodie Woolley for support and assistance.  I thank you for your cooperation and compliance with our Uniform Policy.

Health and Wellbeing

We have a strong focus on Wellbeing at our school, supported by a team of staff, including our Head Teacher Wellbeing (Relieving) Jodie Woolley, Student Support Officer Amy King, Chaplain Chris Jones, your child’s Deputy Principal and Year Advisors.  These staff are your best first contacts for notifying us of any issues affecting your child(ren) with regard to health and wellbeing.

Healthy minds need healthy bodies, which are both critical for learning and wellbeing.  This includes staying hydrated, fuelled, rested and mentally well to optimise learning.  The summer heat generally experienced in December-February poses challenges at our school, with minimal air-conditioned spaces.  Please prioritise reminding your children about the critical need for hydration and sun safety in the summer months.

After our extended holiday period, returning to school routines can sometimes be challenging, including ensuring sleep patterns enable between 8-10 hours’ sleep for growing teenage minds and bodies.  Please ensure students are organised to come to school with equipment, food, and water; ready to learn each day.  If your child has any special needs, please ensure we are aware of this, so we can communicate with you regarding their support.

Some valuable resources and links for parents, families and students to find support include:

Kids Helpline 1800 551800

Lifeline 131114

headspace 1800 650 890

State Mental Health Telephone Access Line 1800 011 511 operates 24 hours/day, 7 days/week 

Communication with School

Our main mediums of communication include our Website, School Bytes, Canvas, Parkway (Newsletter), our Facebook page and the Sentral Portal.  Please ensure we have your correct email address and phone number at the Office, as this is our preferred method for direct contact for personalised student and administrative matters.  If you need support in accessing any of these platforms, please contact the school.

I encourage all parents and carers to communicate directly with classroom teachers regarding the learning needs, progress and development of your children as the year progresses.  Our teachers are the most important people in the lives of our students.  If you have a concern, query or comment about subject specific matters, please contact the Office and request to speak to the relevant Teacher, Head Teacher.

We also have Parent Teacher Interviews throughout the year, with these Term 1 Interviews being held via Zoom this semester due to COVID-19.  These will be for:

·  Years 7, 11, 12 - Wednesday 17 March (Week 8) 3:30-6pm

·  Years 8, 9, 10 - Wednesday 24 March (Week 9) 3:30-6pm

Full details on booking Zoom Parent Teacher Interviews will be within our next Parkway and sent via School Bytes.

If you contact the school for a teacher, they will generally need to return your call at a later time; as the majority of their working day between 9am - 3:00pm is spent in the classroom and/or with our students.  Returning your call may be very prompt, or this may unfortunately take several days in some circumstances; for example, when teachers are absent, away on professional learning or on consecutive full period days.  If the matter is urgent, you may request to speak to the relevant Head Teacher, Deputy Principal and/or Year Advisor.

If you need to contact your child/ren through the day, please do so through the Office, not by using your child’s personal mobile phone during school hours.


Janene Rosser - Principal