In 2022, Year 11 and 12 students have a change in their Thursday Bell Times, with the inclusion of a Period 0 from 7:55-8:55 am.
This change has been a result of the Curriculum Review in 2021 identifying senior students needing this time to meet their mandatory hours for Stage 6. This change has been consulted about in 2021. This Period 0 is like all other lessons and requires students to be at school, on time for their lessons. On Thursdays, senior students have an early finish to the day, therefore it was considered to be the best day for this Period 0 to be placed. Most schools have a period before/after school for seniors, with this change bringing Newcastle High School into line with the mandatory hours for Stage 6 success.
Students will have access to their 2022 timetable in Sentral and these will be issued when we return from our Christmas break.
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