Newcastle High School

Quality education in a caring environment

Telephone02 4969 3177

Swimming Carnival

Swimming Carnival Banner

Whole School Event

All students of all swimming abilities are encouraged to attend the Swimming Carnival. There will be competitive heats as well as non competitive races to ensure everyone enjoys the day. The 100m Freestyle Event will start at 8:30am and normal schedule will commence at 9:30am. Permission notes have been sent via Schoolbytes and students catching the bus from school are required to pay $4 via Schoolbytes. Entry to the pool is $3.80 and is to be paid on the day upon entry. Don't forget to wear your house colours!!!


Cooks Hill Campus

Cooks Hill Campus Students who would like to attend must see Natasha McRae PRIOR to the day.

The CHC site will be open and students are expected to attend classes as usual.