Newcastle High School

Quality education in a caring environment

Telephone02 4969 3177

Uniform Shop

Uniform Shop Hours:

During school term: Tuesdays 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm & Thursdays 8:00 am - 11:00 am.

More Information:

Uniform Styles Sample Image 1: Junior Girls Years 7-9

Uniform Styles Sample Image 2: Junior Boys Years 7-9

Uniform Styles Sample Image 3: Girls Senior Uniform Years 10-12

Uniform Styles Sample Image 4: Boys Senior Uniform Years 10-12

Uniform Styles Sample Image 5: All Years Sport Uniform

Acceptable Shoes - not provided by the Uniform Shop

Footwear Requirements

The Department of Education states in the publication School Uniforms in NSW Government Schools, that, under the Work Health & Safety Act 2011, schools must ensure that students are not exposed to health or safety risks while on Departmental premises. The school has a duty that requires students to wear appropriate footwear to ensure they avoid injury.

The policy ‘’Chemical Safety in Schools 1999’ clearly states: ‘It is mandatory that students carrying out practical activities using chemicals or equipment in schools wear enclosed leather footwear. Sandals, open footwear or high-heeled shoes must not be worn in workshop or labs’.

Acceptable Styles

The school expects that students wear closed in leather, lace-up style shoes. They must cover the top of the foot and have a small heel. It includes the following types; the full leather thick strap T-Bar Mary-Jane shoes are acceptable.

Unacceptable Styles

Students must not wear skate shoes, black soft ‘ballet’ style shoes, open styled ‘Mary Jane’ shoes, canvas shoes or any similar shoe style.

If you are unsure what constitutes appropriate footwear for school, please contact us before buying a new pair.