Newcastle High School (NHS) has a firm commitment to embedding positive behaviour support in every classroom and encouraging students to make responsible decisions surrounding their behaviour at every opportunity. We actively seek to engage with parents, carers and the community to ensure a positive and inclusive school culture in which every student has the opportunity to succeed. NHS works collaboratively with students and parents/carers to establish fair and respectful behaviour procedures and practices, based on our core values of Respect, Responsibility and Participation.
This term, parents, carers and the community are invited to engage in consultation on our draft School Behaviour Support and Management Plan (SBSMP). This document is a requirement of the Department of Education and visually displayed above view the PDF version here, this document is to be published on our school websites from Term 2, 2023. If you would like more details about the Department’s policies for student behaviour and engagement, please use this LINK.
At our Term 1 P&C Meeting, the SBSMP was tabled for parent/carer/community consultation and it has been sent home to all families in an email this term. We invite you to provide any feedback you may have on the SBSMP, using the survey found at this link by Tuesday 21 March 2023:
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