Newcastle High School

Quality education in a caring environment

Telephone02 4969 3177

Faculty Focus: Wellbeing

Wellbeing banner

Including: Wellbeing Team, Wellbeing Days, Cybersafety, Anxiety and Mental Health and Important dates

Well what a busy and positive start to 2021 we have had at Newcastle High School. I feel this will be another exciting year, with many fun and thought-provoking events scheduled in the Wellbeing area. We welcome many new faces to our Wellbeing team and hold on to those valuable ones. Wellbeing encompasses a broad range of areas to help support students in their education, daily lives, friendships, connections, families, part-time work and career pathways. 

I am keen to be in the relieving Head Teacher Wellbeing role and working with such an incredible team this year. Our students are extremely lucky to have such a diverse and enthusiastic group of teachers who are willing to advocate for their health and wellbeing and implement support when required. 

The Wellbeing team for 2021 consists of: 

Mrs Jodie Woolley – Relieving Head Teacher Wellbeing and PDHPE Teacher who loves to support all students and everything outdoors

Miss Amy King – our youth worker who is the happiest person and loves all things with bright colours

Ms Chris Jones – our Chaplain and founder of the Live Free charity who is a proud grandmother and a talented interior designer

Mr Richard Stanley – the school counsellor (registered psychologist) who loves to travel and surf

Mrs Robyn Outram – Year 7 and 11 Learning and Support Teacher who is nurturing and loves spending time in her art studio, reading and bushwalking

Ms Nichole Dean – Year 8 and 10 Learning and Support Teacher who loves marathons and being in the outdoors

Ms Linden O’Brien – Year 9 and 12 Learning and Support Teacher who loves dancing in the dark

Mrs Karen White – Learning and Support Teacher, PDHPE Teacher and Wellbeing Program Organiser who loves all things sport, is creative and has valuable expertise in improving teenage mental health 

Year Advisors – Kate Handley (Year 7), Deb Ellis (Year 8), Paul Myers (Year 9), Erin Pearce (Year 10), Brodee Herron (Year 11) and Gareth Lewis (Year 12)

Student Learning Support Officers – Maria Lewis, Paula Miller, Daphne Riley, Ros Bland, Lisa Van der Meulen, Jodi Baker, Caroline Smith and Christopher Rose  

A few things to add to your calendars are included below:

Maroong Marai – NHS’s Wellbeing Days

Wellbeing days are mandatory school days where year cohorts participate in a range of activities to help build and maintain friendships, and develop essential tools for our daily lives. Our Wellbeing days have different focus areas to cater for the needs of each group. The main focus areas are:

-   Cybersafety

-   Drugs and Alcohol

-   Sexual Health

-   Healthy Relationships

-   Mental Health

-   Resilience and Motivation

Wellbeing days are proposed for the following terms:

Term 2 - Year 10 and Year 11

Term 3 - Year 9 and Year 12

Term 4 - Year 7 and Year 8



We all know the many benefits the internet and mobile phones can provide, however, there are also many deficits for students owning a mobile phone and having access to the internet. They can be contactable 24 hours 7 days a week and get caught up in situations they don’t want to. There are a number of social media issues arising now we are back to school for 2021. All Year 7 students were lucky to have Jalam our Police Youth Liaison Officer speak to them about staying safe online and ways you can do this. Some very valuable information was presented to students and they walked away being equipped with tools ready to implement. Her advice is to block and delete anyone making contact with you that you feel uncomfortable about. This will stop the person being able to contact you. For all information relating to Cybersafety to best support your teenager please access the following website It has a wealth of information to guide you.

Anxiety and Mental Health

Assessment period is beginning and tasks are being handed out to students across all year groups. Some students have mentioned they are struggling with getting started on their tasks and simply planning for each task can help ease this stress. Students need to be aware it is normal to be nervous or feel anxious leading up to an assessment task such as an exam or oral speech, however, what do we do when these feelings linger for longer periods?

There are a number of websites that can help students and parents to deal with this stress, the feelings, and the overwhelming emotions. They provide strategies or suggestions on what to do and who to talk to. Sometimes it can be hard starting the conversation and you may need some information to guide you in this.

Bite Back have a mental fitness challenge. See the Black Dog Institute website for more details. There are cash prizes up for grabs too! 

Help from the Team for Students:

Y7 to Y12 - THE HUB

Y12 Seeking Special Provisions Notice


Important dates to remember:



National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence

Fri 19 March, Term 1

Year 7 Camp

Wed 10 - Fri 12 March, Term 1

Harmony Week Celebrations

Celebrating Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds

Week 9, Term 1


Year 7 (first dose) & Year 8 (second dose)

Year 10

Year 7 – (second dose - 6 months after visit 1)


Wed 21 April, Term 2

Wed 12 May, Term 2

Wed 27 Oct, Term 4

Thank you for your support

Head Teacher Wellbeing (Rel.) - Jodie Woolley